Eight ways to make Helsinki a more functioning city

Functioning city makes life better. It makes our lives happier in the city we love. Find below eight ways to make Helsinki a more functioning city.

  • Secure daycare and other educational services near home. Quality of services is already high, we need to make sure people can access them.
  • Make the life of entrepreneurs more predictable. Flourishing companies benefit the city and its residents. Let’s support our entrepreneurs by reducing uncertainty by making ways of working more transparent and making longer term commitments.
  • Welcome to Helsinki campaign. Appeal of the city could be improved. Let’s start a campaign to encourage existing and new residents to find out what services are available in the city.
  • Flexibility in zoning and building regulations. Too many projects are not progressing because of the constraints set by the city. Additional building rights should be allowed to be used for renovation projects without constraints. Let’s reduce regulations to use unbuilt lofts. Let’s reduce parking space related restrictions.
  • Adopt English as an official service language. Helsinki has a large population of citizens, who have difficulties in using services because of the language barrier. The city should adopt English as an official service language and make a service promise to offer all services needed by the residents in English.
  • Support the youths. The youths are one of the biggest sufferers of the crisis. The city should help the youth to transition to the next phase in their lives by investing into services they need, such as healthcare and counseling. Let’s have a conversation with every young person to help.
  • Open up culture and sports services. Lockdowns have paralyzed culture and sports services. City needs to show examples of best practices to restart the services.
  • Digital services make services more accessible. Booking of a doctor appointment should be possible for everyone online without the need to call.

What would make Helsinki more functioning for you ? Come and join a virtual town hall meeting on 11th of May to discuss it.

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